Contact Us

Let's get in touch


Phone Number:
Postal Address:

Postnet Suite 173
Private Bag X2
Diamond, 8305


S28º54’40.7” E24º38’19.5”

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Directions from Kimberley

Drive south on the N12 toward Hope Town.
22km from Kimberley find road sign for ‘Langberg Guest Farm’.
Turn right at the white wall with ‘Langberg’
Drive 2.5km on the gravel road
Find Langberg Guest Farm gate on your right.

Directions from Cape Town

Drive north on the N12 from Hope Town
Drive past Modderrivier and Richie
15km from Richie turn off find road sign for “Langberg Guest Farm
”Turn left at the white wall with “Langberg”
Drive 2.5km on the gravel road
Find Langberg Guest Farm gate on your right.